Application for Company Sell Signs

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Application for Company Sell Signs

Post by Government »

Registered companies are required to have sell signs for their company that use the following format:


All proceeds will then go into the company balance, which the owners can then manage. This allows players to see which are the most successful companies on the server.

Staff will assist to set these signs up for you providing you fill out the application below. You can do /helpme in-game to ask a staff member to support with adhoc signs however they will not replace a whole shop's signs unless they have time.

To apply, copy and reply below with the following form filled out (use the notes if there are signs you do not want replacing):
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Official Spawnville Government Account

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Re: Application for Company Sell Signs

Post by _Stxrmz »

Player Name: _Stxrmz
Company: Blocks & spencers
Region/Subregion: plot04, city
Notes: Please dont replace the job chests (the ones that buy gunpowder and paper)


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