[Government Auction] Spawnville City Front Row - plot04
[Government Auction] Spawnville City Front Row - plot04
Plot Details
Region Name: plot04
Region Location: x44, z32 / x63, z32
Type: Plot
Row: Front Row
Ground floor shop required? Yes
Directions: /warp c (to the right of the square)
Owner: Government
Starting bid: $12,800
Plot Photos

By placing a bid you agree to all of Spawnville's Government City and auction rules.
Region Name: plot04
Region Location: x44, z32 / x63, z32
Type: Plot
Row: Front Row
Ground floor shop required? Yes
Directions: /warp c (to the right of the square)
Owner: Government
Starting bid: $12,800
Plot Photos

By placing a bid you agree to all of Spawnville's Government City and auction rules.
- Bids must include your player name and start at land value, which is $20/block for front row government city plots. For this plot, land value is $12,800
- Bids must be at least 10% higher than the previous bid.
- The winner of the auction will be the player who holds the highest valid bid for 24 hours.
- You must have available funds in your balance by the time you win the auction. If you do not, you will be fined 10% of your bid and the winner of the auction will be the previous valid bid.
- Bids cannot be deleted or amended once submitted.
- Only the plot owner or a member of staff can cancel an auction. The plot owner does not have to provide a reason, however a member of staff must post one for the cancellation to be valid. An auction cannot be canceled once it has been won.
- Auction rules must follow the template laid our in the general rules. If the general rules change, these rule do not apply to an existing auction, unless a member of staff has good cause to cancel it.
- Before building on an empty plot or demolishing a build on the plot you have won, you must design or hire someone to design a plot on the creative server and have this approved by either a member of staff, the City Mayor, a City Manager or the Secretary of State and begin construction of your build in the city within 2 weeks of winning the auction.
- Auction winners will become liable for any existing eviction notice on a plot.
CEO of Minekea
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:54 pm
Re: [Government Auction] Spawnville City Front Row - plot04
Player name: ApEx_StxrmzOnYt
Bid amount $12,800
Bid amount $12,800