City Tier Submission Forms

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Believe your city has met the requirements for ranking up? Post here!
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City Tier Submission Forms

Post by Government »

Below are the application templates that can be used by city owners to have their city evaluated to any given tier. When you believe your city is able to be at one of the 6 tiers, you have to post a topic here. In the topic, you will fill out the following form so our City Tier Evaluators will know exactly what tier you are qualifying for. Please copy and paste the following into your topic:
City name:
City owner(s):
Current tier:
What tier you're applying for:
Coordinates to the city:
List of main city regions that add up the land value of your city:
Extra necessary information:
Where extra information is required, it may be helpful to list the coordinates of any buildings, parks, regions etc to enable the evaluation process to be done quicker.

In addition to applying for a specific tier, cities can also make an application to apply for one of the perks in any tier. There are many perks that will have to be applied for here, and each will have its on application format. You must copy and fill out the specific application for the perk you want to redeem:

World Map Icons Application
World Map Icons Application

City name:
City owner(s):
Current tier:
Coordinates of where you want the icon:
Government Highway Application
Government Highway Application

City name:
City owner(s):
Current tier:
Coordinates of city:
*Government Highways may take a while to build and will often involve players completing a government job. Each highway requires a lot of work and is managed by the Government Highway Department.

Docks/Subway Application
Docks/Subway Application

City name:
City owner(s):
Current tier:
Coordinates of docks or subway:
Location of dock or subway connection (if applicable):
*Please make sure you dock or subway follows all requirements before posting:

Code: Select all

Docks and Subways 
- Docks can only connect to other docks within a 2000 block radius. This includes docks within the same city and docks in different cities.
- Docks can only connect to other docks in the same body of water, which can allow cities to span across the water by having a dock on each side.
- To connect docks to each other, it costs $3000 total. If two different cities are connecting to each other, they can split the cost or decide on another payment method.
- It takes 10 seconds to teleport to another dock.

- Subways can only connect to other subways within a 2000 block radius. This includes subways within the same city and subways in different cities.
- To connect subways to each other, it costs $3000 total. If two different cities are connecting to each other, they can split the cost, or decide on another payment method.
- It takes 10 seconds to teleport to another subway.

- A city can only have a total of either 5 docks, subways, or a mixture of both.
Embassy Application
Embassy Application

City name:
City owner(s):
Current tier:
Is it a Spawnville Embassy, or a Private City Embassy?:
Coordinates of embassy:
*Please make sure the embassy follows the requirements before posting:

Code: Select all

Embassies will be designed by players, and therefore must be on a plot size of 15 * 15, and have a required depth of 20 blocks in height.
- Embassies will be approved by the City Tier Management. Pictures for approval can be uploaded at the City Tier Subform. (
Declaring War
Declaring War

City Name:
Current Tier:
Who are you declaring war against:
Evidence of the other city agreeing to war:
City landmark application
City landmark application

City name:
City owner(s):
Current tier:
Coordinates of landmark(s):
Mob Shrine
Mob Shrine

City name:
Current tier:
Coords of Mob Shrine:
Describe your mob shrine setting:
Statistics of the mobs you will have in the area (what they drop, how strong they are etc):
Customer Jobs
Custom Jobs Application:

City name:
City tier:
Coords of custom job:
Please describe the custom job:
Biome Change
Changing Biome Application:

City name:
City tier:
Screenshot of map with a outline of the area you want to be changed:
Coords of the corners of the area:
Biome you want the area to be:
Annexing another city
Annexing another City application

Nation name:
Nation owner(s):
Current tier:

City becoming a state:
City owner(s):
Agreement from owner(s) to become a state:

Coordinates of the connecting highway:
*Please make sure you've completed the following requirements before posting:

Smaller cities within 400 blocks of the nation’s borders can join the Nation if both parties agree.

Code: Select all

-The highway needs to be at least 10 blocks wide and has at least 20 regioned blocks on each side of the highway. This land must be wild/parkland and may not be plots or buildings.  
   - These cities that join the nation are a “state” or “province” of it. Meaning, the state can not further develop their own city tier UNLESS they decide to leave the nation.
- To make a city part of a nation, they will need to contact the City Tier manager so they can evaluate and approve the connection.
Official Spawnville Government Account

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